Yesterday I spent most of the day wandering around Shinjuku trying to find the Closet Child (used reseller of Gothic and Lolita clothing) from memory. Not really an effective strategy as I had never been there before. I was trying to find a shirt to match my 3000Y used skirt to wear to Tokyo Decadance that night. Clearly I was not very successful.
I did find the Marui One weirdo building that only has weirdo brands in it (like Angelic Pretty etc.)
For some reason they were also having this extremely compact Evangelion art exhibition and t-shirt sale.
In my wandering I also passed these giant costumed guys. It sucks to be alone at times like these because I would've loved a picture with them but there was no one to take one.
I finally just gave up and went to the Harajuku Closet Child where I had seen this one shirt that matched but I didn't necessarily want to buy it. I caved and purchased it, and it matched perfectly with my outfit. Of course I don't have any photos.
I accidentally walked to Shinjuku instead of Shibuya. I asked the police officers where the place I was going was and they were like, uhhh. This map, it says Shibuya right there in English, right? I was really embarassed so I quickly ran to the train station. It was already after midnight and if I got lucky I might catch the last train. Well, I was lucky, and I barely made the LAST Yamanote line bound for Shibuya. I got off the train and got a bit turned around, but made it to the right intersection.
I found the address of the place I was looking for, but it turns out you have to enter through the back. Fortunately for me I ran into some pretty awesome looking Trump themed people (since that was the theme of the party although not my theme) and they helped me find the entrance.
I was afraid to take any pictures because there were signs all over the place saying not to photograph someone unless you've asked them. It was really loud and I was afraid I wouldn't be heard so I didn't ask. But there were a lot of photographers (most of them really nice, some of them really creepy) so I'm sure out there somewhere are pictures.
There were so many foreigners at Tokyo Decadance. None of them had even bothered to dress up. I guess they just figured they were going to this really big stupid party but in actuality it was this really tiny awesome tiny dance floor playing electronic and industrial music. I chatted with this one fellow who was in the Air Force stationed in Japan. He told me he wasn't really into this techno stuff. I really wondered why Tokyo Decadance was the party all these people decided to come to. I mean, really, no effort was put into their attire. The air force fellow tried repeatedly to get me to dance with him, and I rejected him repeatedly until he finally gave up. The foreigners were the worst too. I'm sure the Japanese felt the same about me, but at least I wasn't trying to feel up their ladies. I just went to dance, but these guys were really hell bent on grabbing and groping which the Japanese girls were really not up for. It was really unfortunate.
There was a stage in front of the DJ booth where at first all these kinda homely sad people were sitting.
That was right in front of the dance floor, so it was extremely unfortunate.
This fellow in this strange outfit got up there and did all these para-para moves which was really fun to watch.
There was an Alice and Wonderland kinda striptease thing.
It was really bizarre.
There was also a tap-dancing clown and this really awesome violin player.
After that was this really really sad magic show, and I don't drink so I wasn't drunk enough as everyone else who appreciated it much more than I did.
I have some really bizarre blurry pictures of people from that night.
The club was really awesome though.
Those guys were really the only people industrial-dancing to Sisen's set other than me, although I'm crazy so I don't think I count. When I asked to take a picture of them, they were like, uhhh, freak? sure?
Lights on! They're kicking us out at 5:30AM.
All in all, a good night had. I really enjoy DJ Sisen's music although I did not necessarily appreciate all the bizarre staging. It was also fun to dance with some awesome folks but not so fun to have to fight off creepy english speaking guys trying to get action. I didn't come to meet any guys, I wanted to make Japanese alternative culture kind of friends, but that didn't happen. I wonder if all these other American and European tourists hadn't caused suspicion for all of us based on the way they were acting.
There is some serious baby-mama drama going on in my hallway between the British guy and his wife. The British guy stays here so he can work while she lives out in the 'burbs with their daughter. Although she just said "my daughter"
And now piano playing while the baby-mama complains about how unclean everything is.
This place is so bizarre.
Next up, early morning Harajuku! I didn't take any pictures today, I'm no good.